Global Business Services in Lithuania

Driving Innovation and Excellence
© Simas Bernotas
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Explore: Global Business Services in Lithuania Explore: Global Business Services in Lithuania
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Lithuania’s business services sector is a hub for innovation and expertise, offering a vast pool of capable and driven talent for sophisticated roles. It combines the flexibility and dynamism of an unsaturated market with the know-how and robustness of a more mature industry. This unique combination makes Lithuania an ideal destination for companies seeking to enhance their operations.

    • Number of companies bb
      Global Business Services centers
      • 74 Captive
      • 23 Outsourcing
      Source: Invest Lithuania, 2023
    • Number of employees bb
      Employed in the industry
      Source: Invest Lithuania, 2023
  • Functions performed by share of employees

    Functions performed by share of employees in Lithuania
Business services in Lithuania location map
Business services in Lithuania location map mobile
Business Services companies in Lithuania
Business Services companies in Lithuania mobile

Strategic Advantages of Lithuania for Business Services

Skilled and Multilingual Talent Pool illustration

Skilled and Multilingual Talent Pool

Lithuania boasts a highly educated and diverse workforce, ranking among the top countries globally for gender parity and in the Top 5 in Europe for tertiary education attainment. The country’s talent pool is proficient in multiple languages, providing a significant advantage for global business operations.

  • Gender equality b2
    in the Global Gender Gap Index
    Source: World Economic Forum, 2023
  • Graduates b2
    4th in the EU
    for the share of the 25–34-year-old population with a tertiary degree (56%)
    Source: Eurostat, 2022
  • Number of languages b
    of GBS centers in Lithuania provide services in 5 or more languages
    (with English, German, Swedish, French, and Norwegian as TOP 5).
    Source: Lithuania’s Business Services Report 2023.
Advanced Infrastructure illustration

Advanced Infrastructure

Lithuania’s leading global rankings in Wi-Fi speed and fiber coverage, along with significant office space having green certification, offer a modern and sustainable environment for business operations. The country also holds a top position in global cybersecurity rankings, making it a secure and efficient location to provide mission-critical services to global clients.

  • wifi speed g
    1st globally
    for public wi-fi speed
    Source: PureVPN, 2023
  • Fiber coverage g
    5th globally
    for fiber coverage
    Source: OECD, 2022
  • Cybersecurity Index
    in the Global Cybersecurity Index
    Source: International Telecommunication Union, 2020
  • Green certification
    of the office space in Vilnius has green certification
    Source: CBRE, Colliers, REGO, Newsec, 2022 Q4
Check out some of Lithuania’s sleek and modern office designs
  • Mature ecosystem open for growth

    Lithuania’s Business Services sector offers a low-saturation market, allowing newcomers to scale up quickly, retain talent easily, and achieve sustainable growth. These advantages are paired with the advanced capabilities of a mature industry. In Lithuania’s GBS centers, multifunctionality is the norm, with many centers performing complex functions such as R&D and cybersecurity.

  • People employed in GBS per 1,000 residents


    Sources: Invest Lithuania, 2022 / ABSL Business Services Sector in Poland Report, 2022 / ABSL Business Services Sector in Latvia, 2022 / ABSL Business Services Sector in the Czech Republic, 2023 / National Investment Promotion Agencies, 2022 / National Statistics Departments, 2023.
Mature ecosystem open for growth
Mature ecosystem open for growth mobile
  • Hub of Intelligent Process Automation

    Lithuania is at the forefront of process automation, with over half of GBS centers implementing or developing IPA solutions. The government actively promotes process automation through community meetups and targeted grants, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

  • The level of process automation by share of centers

    The level of process automation by share of centres

Business Services Industry in Lithuania: Success Stories

Join Lithuania’s Thriving Business Services Sector

Join Lithuania’s Thriving Business Services Sector

Lithuania’s business services sector is characterized by its commitment to excellence and innovation. With a highly skilled workforce, advanced infrastructure and a supportive business environment, Lithuania is the perfect destination for companies looking to transform their business operations.

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Rūta Kriščiūnaitė
Head of Business Services & ICT team LinkedIn icon
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    Rūta Kriščiūnaitė Head of Business Services & ICT team

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