Dematic success story in Lithuania

  • FTE: 203 (May, 2023)
  • EST: 2007, Kaunas
  • Functions: Engineering, Analytics, Solutions Design, F&A

Dematic is among the top five largest suppliers of automated logistics systems in the world, with divisions in 35 countries. It recently became part of the international KION group which employs 30K engineering, manufacturing, sales and operational specialists.

The Lithuanian division, which provides professional services to the group’s companies, was established in Kaunas in 2007, and it has since grown into a reputable engineering hub, employing highly qualified specialists across a number of fields: conceptual designers of materials handling solutions, computer modeling consultants, design and commissioning engineers of automatic control systems.

The company chose Kaunas as it has the largest technical university in the region, and because of the city’s proximity to Northern European markets – the region where most of the company’s projects were sold and implemented at the time.

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Rūta Kriščiūnaitė
Head of Business Services & ICT team LinkedIn icon
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    Rūta Kriščiūnaitė Head of Business Services & ICT team
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