Lithuania’s Game Development Industry

Creativity and Innovation Combined
@ Simas Bernotas
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Explore: Lithuania’s Game Development Industry Explore: Lithuania’s Game Development Industry
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Lithuania has emerged as a vibrant hub for game development, attracting talent and investment from around the world. The country’s thriving ecosystem, skilled workforce, and supportive infrastructure make it an ideal location for game developers aiming to create immersive and successful gaming experiences.

Strategic Advantages of Investing in Lithuania’s Game Development Industry

Highly Skilled and Creative Talent Pool

Highly Skilled and Creative Talent Pool

Over 2,700 professionals directly involved in game development activities. Lithuania’s educational institutions offer specialized game development programs, ensuring a steady supply of skilled graduates ready to join gaming companies.

Additionally, Lithuania’s high proficiency in English and strong ICT sector support the growth of the game development industry.

  • Gamedev professionals b
    people directly involved in game development activities in Lithuania
    Source: Lithuanian Association of Game Developers, 2023
  • ICT sector employees b
    ICT specialists employed
    Source: Eurostat, 2023
  • IT graduates b
    IT graduates in 2023
    Source: Ministry of Education, Sciences and Sport, 2023
  • Gamedev study courses b
    GameDev study courses
    offered at 6 universities and colleges
    Source: Ministry of Education, Sciences and Sport, 2023
  • English proficiency b
    English proficiency among young professionals
    Source: Estimates for 2022 (20-34 age group with higher education), made by Invest Lithuania based on Population Census, 2021
  • Women in science and tech b
    2nd in OECD
    for women in science, technology and innovation
    Source: OECD, 2021
A Dynamic and Inclusive Game Development Community

A Dynamic and Inclusive Game Development Community

Lithuania’s game development sector benefits from a supportive ecosystem characterized by a close-knit community and a collaborative spirit. The country hosts a variety of industry events and initiatives, providing platforms for knowledge sharing, networking, and innovation.

  • Companies y
    GameDev companies in Lithuania
    Source: Lithuanian Association of Game Developers, 2023
  • Meetup y
    meetups hosted by the Game Developers Association yearly
    Source: Lithuanian Game Developers Association, 2024
  • Women in gamedev y
    of professionals in game development are women
    Source: Invest Lithuania, 2021





A Prime Destination for Remote Work illustration

A Prime Destination for Remote Work

Ranking among the top countries globally for remote work, Lithuania has one of Europe’s most affordable capitals. The country’s vibrant cities, excellent work-life balance, and unparalleled public internet access make it an attractive destination for game developers.

  • Remote work b
    8th globally
    for remote work
    Source: Nord Layer Index, 2023
  • Affordarble capital b
    most affordable EU capital for expats
    Source: Mercer Cost of Living City Ranking, 2023
  • short flight b
    2-3 hours
    A short 2-3 hour flight away from most major European capitals
Fast, Reliable, and Affordable Connectivity illustration

Fast, Reliable, and Affordable Connectivity

Lithuania boasts top-tier digital infrastructure, ranking first globally for public Wi-Fi speed and fourth in the EU for fixed broadband price. This robust digital environment ensures that game developers have the connectivity and resources they need to succeed.

  • wifi speed g
    1st globally
    for public wi-fi speed
    Source: ITU Global Cybersecurity Index, 2021
  • Internet price g
    2nd in the EU
    for fixed broadband price
    Source: Digital Economy and Society Index, 2023
  • Cybersecurity Index
    6th globally
    for cybersecurity
    Source: ITU Global Cybersecurity Index, 2021
Gaming Companies in Lithuania illustration

Gaming Companies in Lithuania

Lithuania is home to a diverse range of game development companies, from indie studios to major industry players. Successful local companies include Nordcurrent, Sneaky Box, Estoty, and TutoTOONS. International giants like Wargaming, Unity, and Moon Active have also established a presence in Lithuania, highlighting the country’s attractiveness as a game development hub.

International GameDev investors


Local high-growth gaming companies


Contact Our Game Development Experts

to discover how Lithuania can support your business growth. Explore opportunities in Lithuania’s dynamic game development sector and join a community of innovative creators.

Kristina Balčėtė
Head of Tech team LinkedIn icon
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    Kristina Balčėtė Head of Tech team

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