Thanks to continued strong growth in its revenue, furniture manufacturer Theca Furniture has further expanded its operations in Lithuania by opening a new production facility in the city of Alytus. The new, €2 million facility opened this August, creating up to 140 new jobs.
Theca, a Danish capital company which manufactures upholstered furniture, has performed strongly in recent years. As a result, it has been regularly adding to its already extensive operations in Lithuania. Two years ago Theca moved into a new, 22,000 square metre production unit in Kaunas. And last year the company opened a new sewing department in the nearby town of Jonava.
With the addition this summer of the new, 13,000 square metre facility in Alytus, the company now has two major production facilities and three sewing divisions spread across Lithuania.
As the company’s executive director, Jolanta Rebždienė, explains, Theca chose to locate its new facility in Alytus thanks to readily available rental premises the city has to offer. “Our rapid growth last year prompted us to expand quickly,” says Mrs Rebždienė. “We currently have more orders from existing clients, and orders from new clients are also increasing. We had no time to build a new factory, so we looked instead for premises to rent and found the right site in Alytus,” the head of Theca Furniture explains.
Whilst the company had begun searching for new premises in the Kaunas region last year, and even signed a new contract this January, the availability of empty premises in Alytus swung the decision. The site has proved easy to adapt for the furniture maker, with Theca installing new production equipment. At present, the Alytus facility is not at full capacity, but the company plans to expand its operations there over the next few years.