Vention success story in Lithuania

  • EST: 2022, Vilnius
  • FTE: 211 (November, 2023)
  • Functions: Software engineering and testing, DevOps, Digital transformation, AI/ML, UX/UI and business consulting

Vention is a global leader in software engineering – synonymous with technology designed for scale, and the common denominator behind some of the world’s most successful tech-empowered enterprises, industry innovators and startups. Headquartered in New York, and with 20+ offices worldwide, Vention provides access to 3,000+ engineers globally, and equips technology leaders with top engineering talent from the world’s most respected tech hubs. Its teams collaborate with clients’ in-house engineers to advise and execute their product vision, accelerating their roadmap, helping them to innovate faster and more efficiently, and ultimately scale their operations to new heights.

Vention’s primary goal in establishing its new hub in Lithuania has been to provide its high-calibre, fast-growing tech and startup clients with access to the best and brightest of Lithuania’s talents. Furthermore, the company has aimed to expand its global customer base and solidify its position in the market. Since commencing its operations in Lithuania, Vention has successfully expanded into two offices in Vilnius, and cultivated a team of more than 200 top-tier tech professionals.

The services provided by Vention include web and mobile development, blockchain, DevOps, QA and testing, digital transformation, UI/UX design, consultancy and leadership across emerging technologies and industries such as fintech, healthtech, e-commerce, e-learning, enterprise IT, and many others.

Looking for more in-depth insights?
Rūta Kriščiūnaitė
Head of Business Services & ICT team LinkedIn icon
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    Rūta Kriščiūnaitė Head of Business Services & ICT team
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