Talent in Lithuania
World-class talent
Historically known as doers and practically proven themselves as innovators with a passion to learn, Lithuanian talent is appreciated not only by employers, but also are recognized in the global rankings.
57%of the 25–34-year-old population with higher educationSource: Eurostat, 2023
1st globallyfor digital skillsSource: The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2024
85%of young professionals are proficient in EnglishSource: 2024 Invest Lithuania estimations based on Population Census 2011
52%the highest share of women scientists and engineers in the EUSource: Eurostat, 2022
Co-creating solutions that deliver stellar results
In Lithuania, the close relationship between talent, education and business creates a nexus that fuels innovation. From the world’s most powerful laser through to global leaders in VPN technology, Lithuanian ingenuity and creativity is impacting research and product development globally. Companies are able to assemble world-class research teams here at highly competitive costs, and the government is supporting R&D activities via a swathe of incentives.
Danske BankDanske’s operation in Vilnius developed Danske MobilePay. It is now on 90% of Danish smartphones, and is the leading mobile payment solution in the Nordics
CognizantThrough its own in-house Scandinavian language academy, Cognizant is able to teach employees with no prior language knowledge to deliver services to customers in Norwegian, Danish or Swedish in only 6 months.
Future-ready innovators
Products and services that proudly carry the “Made in Lithuania” stamp are quickly gaining global recognition. From disrupting mobility solutions to gene-editing techniques to open banking solutions, Lithuanians are always at the cutting edge.
DeeperDeeper Smart Sonar, the world’s first wireless, smartphone-compatible echo-sounder for sports fishing was created and developed by Lithuania’s Deeper.
EnebaIn 2018, driven by their passion for gaming, two Lithuanians founded Eneba as a video game marketplace. Here, gaming enthusiasts can easily and quickly buy and sell digital and physical copies of their games, as well as consoles and other gaming equipment.

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