After receiving the Account Information Service (AIS) Provider license, the financial data intelligence platform Bud Financial (Bud) is expanding its team in Lithuania. Established in Vilnius last year, Bud’s Lithuanian office will become one of the company’s hubs for technical and risk roles, powering its growth in the region and across Europe.
Last week, the Bank of Lithuania granted Bud Financial an AIS Provider licence, which will allow the company to work with financial institutions in Lithuania and other countries of the European Economic Area (EEA), opening up new markets for the company.
London-headquartered Bud was founded in 2015 as a financial education platform for consumers. Quickly pivoting to B2B data intelligence services, today Bud is an AI-powered platform used by global banks and fintechs to turn transactional data into rich customer insight.
Looking to grow in Europe, Bud was searching for a base with a mature regulatory landscape and access to technology-related talent with financial experience. Lithuania fit the bill.
Today, Bud has around one hundred employees across the UK, US, and Lithuania. The company anticipates growing in Vilnius, in line with regulatory requirements and commercial traction in the region. Bud has already hired technical and compliance team members in Vilnius and will boost its footprint in the region further with additional compliance talent, as well as hires in data analysis and commercial functions.
To find out more about Bud, visit: