Lithuania’s Data Center Industry

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Explore: Lithuania’s Data Center Industry Explore: Lithuania’s Data Center Industry
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Lithuania offers a prime environment for data centers with its reliable and renewable energy infrastructure, dynamic talent pool, and favorable cost-to-quality ratio. As Europe’s data center landscape shifts towards emerging markets, Lithuania’s strategic position and conducive business climate make it a premier hub for data center investments. The escalating demand for cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions underscores the imperative for diversifying data center capacity beyond traditional hubs – a need Lithuania is well-equipped to fulfill.

Strategic Advantages of Investing in Lithuania’s Data Center Industry

Reliable and Renewable Energy Infrastructure

Reliable and Renewable Energy Infrastructure

Lithuania offers a reliable and renewable energy infrastructure that supports dynamic growth. By 2030, Lithuania aims to achieve 100% green renewable energy in the final balance of electricity consumption. The country’s energy infrastructure boasts a 100% energy reliability index for 330 kV networks, making it one of the most reliable grids in the region.

  • Reliable grid b

    most reliable grid in the Baltics and Nordics in Annual avg 2013-2022
    Source: ENTSO-E, Nordic and Baltic Grid Disturbance Statistics, 2022
  • wind and solar energy b
    2nd globally

    in wind and solar generation as total share of electricity generation
    Source: Ember, 2023
  • wind and solar energy b copy
    Member of Nordpool

    Lithuania is part of Nordpool, Europe’s leading power market
  • Green certificate b
    Green certificates

    available for each MW generated from renewable sources
Commitment to Green Energy illustration

Commitment to Green Energy

Lithuania aims for 100% renewable energy in final electricity consumption by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2025. Two offshore wind parks, set to begin operation in 2028, will generate up to 6 TWh of green electricity per year, meeting up to half of Lithuania’s current electricity demand.

    • Green energy output g

      In 2023, 70% of the country’s total energy output was produced from renewable sources

      Source: Ministry of Energy, 2024
    • Renewable energy expansion g

      696M EUR
      earmarked for renewable energy expansion under the LT100 support scheme

      Source: Ministry of Finance, 2023
    • Offshore wind farm g

      2.8 GW
      of offshore wind power to be generated in Lithuania by 2040

      Source: Ministry of Energy, 2024
  • Expected share of renewable energy in the final balance of electricity consumption in Lithuania

    Share of renewable energy in Lithuania Source: National energy and climate action plan of the Republic of Lithuania 2021-2030
Prime Location and Superior Connectivity illustration

Prime Location and Superior Connectivity

Situated at the core of Lithuania’s power grid, the Kruonis location offers 75 hectares of ready-to-build greenfield with up to 100MW in 3 years, forecasted to exceed 1000MW in the future. Near the site are six redundant 110kV lines and five 330kV lines, ensuring robust and reliable power availability. Lithuania’s geographical position and connections with Sweden and Poland enhance its strategic value as a hub for data centers, providing secure access to crucial European markets.

    • Electricity g

      100 MW possible power availability*

    • Electricity g

      1000 MW forecasted power availability**

    • Temperature g

      7.5°C/45.5°F Average annual temperature

    • Humidity g

      79% Average annual humidity

    • HPSPP g

      Located next to the 900MW Kruonis Hydro Pumped Storage Power Plant (Kruonis HPSPP), a well-secured national strategic asset

    • FEZ g

      Site is located within a Free Economic Zone

    • Height g

      35m / 115ft Maximum permitted building height

    • * available power in 3 years / ** power forecast in 10 years
  • Kruonis data center park map
  • Communication cables

    Communication cables in Lithuania map
  • Facts about communication lines in Lithuania

    • Security b

      Legal framework and security environment created and tested by real-life risk management cases

    • Secure infrastructure b

      Existing risk management mechanisms and several alternatives that ensure the security of digital infrastructure

    • Globe b

      4 out of 5 Land cables are managed by Data Logistics Centre (DLC), which is owned by Quaero Capital infrastructure investment fund’s subsidiary

Security standards and alternative connectivity solutions
Security standards and alternative connectivity solutions mobile


Warsaw Stockholm Helsinki Copenhagen Frankfurt London Amsterdam Paris Dublin
6.96 ms 11.16 ms 11.07 ms 20.05 ms 21.54 ms 29.63 ms 24.77 ms 30.68 ms 38.26 ms
Highly Skilled Talent Pool illustration

Highly Skilled Talent Pool

Lithuania boasts a substantial talent pool of ICT specialists and engineers. A global leader in the availability of digital skills, the country is well-positioned to ensure a steady supply of highly skilled professionals that meet the demands of international data center services.

  • ICT specialists g

    ICT specialists in the market
    Source: Eurostat, 2023
  • Engineers g

    engineers in the market, with an additional ~129,000 students in higher and professional education
    Source: Statistics Lithuania, 2022; Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, 2023
  • Digital skill availability g
    1st globally

    for digital skills availability
    Source: IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook, 2023
  • Fluent in English g

    of young professionals are fluent in English
    Source: Estimates for 2022 (20-34 age group with higher education) made by Invest Lithuania based on Population Census, 2021

Partners for green data center construction

  • Top-class design, engineering, and construction

    Engineering and construction companies in Lithuania
  • Certifications awarded for best international practice

    International certifications
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Akvilė Mačiulė
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    Akvilė Mačiulė Head of Manufacturing Team

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